Newcastle 2

Monday, 2015-10-26

Picture credits: gxccihaz

Hello there, bears! Quite the level up we’ve seen from them lately.

RBB is wearing a football kit today, representing Newcastle United, Juventus, a referee, or possibly just being the uniform Build A Bear sells. There have been articles recently that 2 Premier League players are set to come out as gay. Are RBB and SBB giving a nod to that news?

The rainbow ball that SBB is sitting on gets the spin treatment today. Check out this video taken by a fan. What’s with all the spinning lately?

There was some initial confusion over the color of the non-blue sticker. Green? Yellow? It was the dress fiasco all over again! After the concert, RBB himself tweeted out an image that clearly showed the sticker was green. Thanks RBB! Holding on to the yellow hope, it was floated that possibly the sticker was switched. Wouldn’t be the shadiest thing ‘round these parts. However, additional pictures came out after the show that revealed the sticker was always green.

Now, who is that holding RBB?!

Tell me your theories!